Chrome Extension: Hide Verified Users
This Chrome extension allows you to toggle hiding verified posts on Twitter. When the extension is active, it will hide all tweets from verified users. Now available on the Chrome Extension Store chrome store logo This is an altered version that does not use the tabs permission so has a little bit more errors, but still works.
Install the extension in your Chrome browser.
Click on the extension icon in the toolbar to toggle between hiding and showing verified posts.
The extension will automatically update the display of tweets on the current page according to your preference (hide/show verified posts).
registerTab() function sends a message to the background script to register the current tab.
updateBlockedCount(count) function sends a message to the background script to update the count of blocked tweets.
toggleHidingVerifiedPosts(isHiding) function hides or shows verified posts based on the isHiding parameter. It also updates the blocked count.
The chrome.runtime.onMessage listener listens for messages from the background script to toggle hiding verified posts.
The chrome.storage.sync.get function gets the current hiding preference from the storage and applies it to the page.
setInterval function is used to periodically check for changes on the page and apply the hiding preference accordingly.
The hideStyle CSS rule is added to the page to enable hiding tweets by adding the hidden-verified-user class to the tweet container.
The extension targets verified badges on Twitter using the verifiedBadgeSelector.
It finds the corresponding tweet container using the tweetContainerSelector.
The extension works by adding or removing the hideClass (“hidden-verified-user”) to the tweet container.
The hiding preference is stored in chrome.storage.sync, allowing the preference to sync across devices.
The setInterval function is used to periodically re-check and apply the hiding preference to ensure it works with the dynamic loading of tweets on Twitter.
If you want to try to block people without using the soon(tm) to be defunct api as well, try this untested code: //gist.github.com/sardistic/e7c9973d79d1f17d0e4f1d541de3dc16
Now available on the Chrome Extension Store
This is an altered version that does not use the tabs permission so has a little bit more errors, but still works.
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